Monday, March 14, 2005

Everything has its purpose

Actually, i forgot about this story until my sister mentioned it. It's funny that she remembered it and I didn't because I was the one who told her the story. Where'd I get the story? ehhe from some priest (homily). Anyway, just writing this down so that I won't forget the next time. Obviously, this story tells us that things happen for a reason.

There is this girl who go impregnated (because she was raped, i think - i forgot) when she was 15 years old (or 16, i'm not sure). Though the parents did not want this to happen to their child and thought of this as a misfortune or a punishment, apparently, it did and still they kept the baby. After how many years, the girl got married and wanted to have kids of their own. However, this time, they could not because by this time, she developed ovarian cyst and got rid of her ovaries. If she wasn't impregnated then, she wouldn't have had a child. The end.

So, see...when times get worse, have a little faith. Everything has its purpose. :)

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