Saturday, December 18, 2004
P25 Christmas Lights
Talking about decors, everyone always want their place (may it be your home, office or even street) to be the most lighted. But how do you do that amidst an economy like that of the Philippines? Well, don't fret decorators because you can get christmas lights for P25. Wow! That's great! With the same budget I had before, I could even get the whole fence covered up with lights. But if I were you, I wouldn't be too happy because ... have you heard of houses caught up in fire because of christmas lights? Yeah? Well, they used this one.
Okay, I'm not saying if you get this one, surely your house will get burned. But, think about it. As my cousin said, "How could christmas lights be 25 pesos?" How much do bulbs, plastics, wires and labor cost to produce a series? Do you think it's 25 pesos? How about their mark-up?
I am not also saying NEVER buy these christmas lights (or am I? hehe). But just like the law of profitability, the higher the return, the higher the risk.
The question you value your home or a loved one (simbako) more than saving money for Christmas?
Saturday, December 11, 2004
the two sides of me
As for me, (I think that there is a psychological explanation already available for this.) there are two sides of me which i probably would classify as my outside and inside the house personalities. It is a mystery -- for me, that these two are very opposite.
Outside, everyone thinks that I am this insensitive - I don't care about what people tell me and I don't care about what I tell them, not cuddly - I am not touchy, funny, noisy and diligent person. But the truth of the matter is...I am really sensitive - I easily cry or get hurt when i feel that people hate me (honestly), very cuddly - manya to my sister, serious and silent and lazy - always asleep, watching television and doesn't usually say no to family outings - at home.
So, I guess that gives you a little more information about who I really am. I do know that people don't believe it but I don't blame them. It's really difficult to believe what you don't see, especially if it is an attitude of a person. So, it's up to you to say whatever you think about me.
How about you? Who do you think I am? What are the two sides of you? (write in the comments if you want)
Friday, October 01, 2004
Philippines: One of the world's most corrupt countries and the biggest Roman Catholic country in Asia
Alright, here's the continuation....after 2 months!? hihi (by the way, I finished writing the continuation just seconds ago but unfortunately, it all vanished in one click.)
How could a Catholic country be corrupt? Precisely because Catholicism teaches us to be "the light of the world" - to be the model of everyone, to mirror Jesus. That is the mission of a Catholic. But no, instead of making Jesus as the masters of our lives, WE (yes, we because whether we accept it or not, we have somehow contributed to this sick corrupt society) have made "money" the master of our lives. If we are really true Catholics, how could this country be corrupt? Are we really Catholics by heart? or just by name?
On the other hand, who taught us "indulgences"? Was it not the friars? We were taught that paying for our sins will save us from hell. Don't you think that we are exactly doing the same thing as of the moment - paying officers to make things easier for us? Isn't it not because of the church that this practice has been instilled in us?
If you ask me? I don't know (FYI, I don't know is one of my favorite lines. I always don't know anything.) The point of this article is not to persuade you to one side but I just wanted you to think and reflect. :)
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
who's watching who?

Ahh!!! shoot that ball!!!

Oh no!


Moral Lesson (for all those who watch Ateneo vs. La Salle games): Watch out! It's not only God that's watching you.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Coffee, Tea or Juice
Stewardess: Coffee, Tea or Juice?
Me: Uh......Water :)
What do you think about that? hehe silly right? They could have just asked "What drink would you prefer?" or whatever because truly, they do not only serve coffee, tea or juice. But, nevertheless, at least the conversation makes you smile.
Right after we (with my sister), arrived in MIAA, we went to WTC because there was this bazaar and amazingly, I saw some of my classmates. No, they weren't there to shop (or yeah, maybe that's their sideline motive), but they were there selling...on their own. That's what we call the entrepreneurship spirit. Now, my question is (as what I always do...ask -- for those who know me, I'm really an inquisitive person), how do we enhance and develop our entrepreneurship spirit?
Is it how your school trained you? Other schools (like in where I am studying), they offer courses like Business Management specialization in Entrepreneurship while other schools don't. Others give you a great exposure regarding business matters other than those in your textbooks while others are just bookish.
Is it in the location you're in? If you're in the city, you have a lot of opportunities. There are bazaars and a lot of people whom you can make connections with. While in the province, so little opportunities and everyone just thinks of finishing up college then go to the city to find a high paid job.
Is it in the family? If you're in a family who are entrepreneurs, you will be one. If not, then not. How you think depends on how your family thinks?
Is it just innate? You are born with it, you've got it. If you don't have the skills, you can't develop it anymore?
Here's what I think. School and location are the minor factors. Though, they really help a lot. First, if the school can broaden you're mind, that's a big plus especially if you're in a great location. But, most importantly, it all boils down on YOU. It is how you think (maybe influenced by your family, friends or books), what you do to hone your skills (maybe innate or developed through hardwork).
Now, I am not saying that I have this kind of spirit flowing all over my blood because I don't think so. My thoughts may be entrepreneurial and I may have done some honing but I think there are still some things missing....Fervor and guts. What's the use of being equip if you do not have the passion for it or you do not do anything about it?
So, maybe, some people are really meant for being entrepreneurs and some are just not. For me, it's just practical. Though our society nowadays is telling everyone to become entrepreneurs, all of us cannot be entrepreneurs. It just won't work.
Okay, I'm tired of writing already but I don't know how to end it so....Coffee, Tea or Juice? :)
Friday, September 10, 2004
what's in our thoughts? or better yet, in my thoughts?
another thought. just this week, i created a new e-mail account, curled my straight hair and next week, classes starts. great huh? and yet, i am i'm making a new blog (well, my first actually). everything (not really..but mostly), is new. now, why do we want that? why do we want things to be new? to start all over again? or do we? i know for sure that there are many resistance in making changes so then, why do we want to change? well, i guess i'm answering my question haha. i read a book entitled 'the present' by spencer and he said that if we want our present to be better than the past, we should do things differently. makes sense doesn't it? though, i just hope that all the changes we make in our life is to make our present and future better than our past and not for the worst. in addition to that, does curling my hair make my present any better? hmmph..