julius the bumble bee! hehe
the kids...hope you guys see julius trying to be in the picture.
this is edmund. doesn't he look like lito cruz in the tide commercial?
here's tolits again with the pa-gwapo pose
here's nikka and nicole. they look cute, don't they?
under the heat of the sun - lorelee and kapst
everyone having fun!
All of us, except Grace who handled an MR, had hearing impaired kids so we went to the sign language seminar before the interaction. Honestly, when seeing the kids, we never recognized that they were special because they really looked happy - like kids. They were super makulit, always running here and there and we would run after them around the football field. I guess it's not surprising that on Monday Ellie and Mady got muscle pains ehehe. By the way, Julius is my kid. He was like the leader2 of them all. If he'd sit, all of the boys would sit and if he'd run back to the field, they'd follow. The girls are...well, good girls. :) But, Lorelee's kid was also mukulit - probably because Lorelee's her idol eheh.
Anyhow, before the interaction I really thought I'd mess up because first of all, how'd I communicate with them. When the day came, the four of us, Ellie, Mady, Hana and me, all just said in sign language stop playing, play later, faster, wait, bad and 'hala'. I admit, it was really hard to give instructions to them when introducing a game...believe me. But as human instincts, our innate sign language skills, mine actually hehe, passed Julius standards because he understands what I want him to do...but doesn't necessarily mean he does it -- especially stop playing.
Though I really had fun, it also made me sad because when we asked them to dance, specifically Ellie to CJ, he actually said that he cannot dance because he cannot hear:(. See, they can't play newspaper dance or trip to jerusalem (which the organizers had for fun games?!?) Nevertheless, I am also happy for them because many love them especially their families, friends and God, and they are happy as they are. I just hope that our country would provide enough ammenities that are needed by these children.
Hope to meet them again next year! For those who have not participated, join!
anyway, somehow... we sometimes feel that we also became children....not so lang ago...
haha. congrats mysue. nice shots. :)
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