Friday, September 02, 2005

Forgive and NEVER Forget

We always hear people say forgive and forget meaning forgive the person for what he/she has done then move on and forget about the incident but contrary to that, I attended a "Quality Relationship" seminar last school year and the speaker said otherwise...forgive and never forget.

What does this mean? Forgive a person but never forget that you have forgiven him/her which makes sense because if you forgot that you have forgiven that person, then in reality, you haven't forgiven her. Therefore, forgive and never forget NOT forgive and forget (that you have forgiven).


Anonymous said...

Hello -> mysue <- I just wanted to let you know that Forgive and NEVER Forget was an interesting read and well presented. Just my two cents.

Longer Life

Anonymous said...

Hello -> mysue <- I just wanted to let you know that Forgive and NEVER Forget was an interesting read and well presented. Just my two cents.

Longer Life

Anonymous said...

Forgiving, letting go--releasing fear and so on can be so difficult and yet so easy if the mind just attends to a little re-training. There are some free subliminal and hypnosis programs for these issues at and they helped me.